IMF Videos

Annual and spring meetings

IMF Seminar: Financial Inclusion as a Pathway to Resilient and Shared Growth

  • October 14, 2023


  • 1:05:44

This event delves into the transformative power of broader financial access, exploring its links to macroeconomic and financial stability and growth. Embracing cutting-edge technologies, policymakers are poised to develop inclusive solutions.

  • Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director IMF
  • Mina Al-Oraibi, Editor in Chief The National
  • Bo Li, Deputy Managing Director IMF
  • H.E. Abdellatif Jouahri, Governor Bank Al-Maghrib
  • H.E. Dr. Abdulrahman A. Al Hamidy, Director General Chairman of the Board Arab Monetary Fund
  • Dr. Alfred Hannig, Executive Director Alliance for Financial Inclusion
  • Charles Li, Founder and Chairman Micro Connect Investments Limited