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This page is dedicated to IMF capacity development, research, and data related to tax policy issues.
The IMF’s tax policy program supports countries in their consideration of how to raise revenue in support of their spending needs, and how to structure their tax and revenue system to balance key objectives including efficiency and equity, as well as issues such as the impact of taxes on incentives to invest, work, and save.
Division Chief, Tax Policy Division 1
Francophone Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe
Deputy Division Chief, Tax Policy Division 1
Division Chief, Tax Policy Division 2
Anglophone/Lusophone Africa, Asia, Pacific, and Western Hemisphere
Deputy Division Chief, Tax Policy Division 2
Deputy Division Chief, Tax Policy Division 2
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This section covers income taxation of individuals, covering issues such as the taxation of labor income and wealth.
Individual taxation is a core tax base for many countries, and the design of personal income taxes directly affects how people work, save, and invest. This topic includes resources on income taxes, wealth taxes, capital gains as well as analysis on distributional issues, equity, and how individual behavior responds to these taxes (e.g., elasticity of labor supply).
NEWTechnical Note
Working Paper
Personal Income Taxes in the Middle East and North Africa: Prospects and Possibilities
Working Paper
Labor Taxation in the Western Balkan: Looking Back and Forward
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Do Audits Deter or Provoke Future Tax Noncompliance? Evidence on Self-employed Taxpayers
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
NEWExternal Publication
NEWSelected Issues Paper
IMF Blog
Personal Income Tax Has Untapped Potential in Poorer Countries
External Publication
External Publication
Declining Tax Progressivity: Are We Becoming More Sensitive to Changes in Income Tax Rates?
External Publication
Staff Report
This section provides information and resources on the taxation of business income and business assets.
Key taxes include corporate income taxes and taxes on capital gains. This section also includes taxation of business entities such as partnerships. It links closely to the international taxation topic given the importance of multinational enterprises in business. Sector-specific resources are also provided under the Sector Specific Taxes section.
Country Report
NEWHigh-Level Summary
NEWSelected Issues Paper
Departmental Paper
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
NEWExternal Publication
External Publication
UK Accelerated Depreciation Policy in an International Context
External Publication
External Publication
Curbing corporate debt bias: Do limitations to interest deductibility work?
External Publication
Effectiveness of Fiscal Incentives for R&D: Quasi-experimental Evidence
External Publication
Evaluating the effects of ACE systems on multinational debt financing and investment
External Publication
Policy Forum: Effective Tax Rates for Multinationals -- The Role of Tax Incentives and Tax Planning
External Publication
External Publication
Policy Forum: International Effects of the 2017 US Tax Reform—A View from the Front Line
External Publication
External Publication
External Publication
Revenue Implications of Destination-Based Cash-Flow Taxation
External Publication
International Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Review of the Channels, Magnitudes, and Blind Spots
NEWWorking Paper
NEWWorking Paper
Efficient Economic Rent under a Global Minimum Corporate Tax
Working Paper
Designing a Presumptive Income Tax Based on Turnover in Countries with Large Informal Sectors
NEWWorking Paper
Excess Profit Taxes: Historical Perspective and Contemporary Relevance
Working Paper
Working Paper
A Firm Lower Bound: Characteristics and Impact of Corporate Minimum Taxation
Working Paper
Curbing Corporate Debt Bias: Do Limitations to Interest Deductibility Work?
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
NEWWorking Paper
The Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Foreign Investment in the United States
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Global Firms, National Corporate Taxes: An Evolution of Incompatibility
Working Paper
Working Paper
This section provides information and resources on taxes imposed on consumption.
Key taxes include excises, customs duties and VAT/GST systems. It also includes papers on excises, which many countries impose on goods such as fuel, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, as well as taxes imposed to influence health objectives.
NEWWorking Paper
External Publication
VAT Notches, Voluntary Registration, and Bunching: Theory and U.K. Evidence
Country report
External Publication
Fiscal Fitness: The Move to Use Taxes to Induce Healthier Behavior has its Limits
External Publication
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Encouraging Formal Invoicing and Reducing the VAT Impact on Low-Income individuals
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
VAT Notches, Voluntary Registration, and Bunching: Theory and UK Evidence
This section provides information and resources on tax issues that are specific to particular sectors of the economy.
The following sectors are included below: i) financial sector recourses on the taxation of financial institutions such as banks; ii) non-renewable and renewable natural resources covering natural resource taxation, including the mix of fiscal instruments; and iii) telecommunications resources on the taxation of telecommunications companies and related issues.
NEWWorking Paper
Crypto Poses Significant Tax Problems—and They Could Get Worse
NEWExternal Publication
External Publication
International Tax and Public Finance: Security Transaction Taxes: Issues and Evidence
External Publication
The Effect of a Low-rate Transaction Tax on a Highly Liquid Market
External Publication
The Taxation of Petroleum and Minerals: Principles, Problems, and Practice
External Publication
Fiscal Stabilization in Oil and Gas Contracts: Evidence and Implications
Financial Sector Taxation: The IMF's Report to the G-20 and Background Material
NEWWorking Paper
Technical Note
NEWWorking Paper
Working Paper
Disposal is Not Free: Fiscal Instruments to Internalize the Environmental Costs of Solid Waste
Working Paper
Working Paper
Progressive Taxation of Extractive Resources as Second-Best Optimal Policy
Working Paper
Working Paper
This section provides resources on the institutions that are necessary for well-functioning tax systems.
This section provides information on key institution building issues such as the role of political institutions, the role of tax policy units, and the analysis of tax effort.
Countries Can Tap Tax Potential to Finance Development Goals
External Publication
External Publication
External Publication
External Publication
How Effective are Fiscal Incentives in R&D-Intensive Sectors?
External Publication
Revisiting the Narrative Approach of Estimating Tax Multipliers
External Publication
NewStaff Discussion Note
Tax Expenditures Accounts and their use in Fiscal Management: A Guide for Developing Countries
NEWCountry Report
Staff Report
Working Paper
Working Paper
Tax Distortions from Inflation: What are They? How to Deal with Them?
Working Paper
Working Paper
Does a Wealth Tax Improve Equality of Opportunity? Evidence from Norway
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Do Audits Deter or Provoke Future Tax Noncompliance? Evidence on Self-Employed Taxpayers
NEWWorking Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
NEWWorking Paper
A Deep Dive into Tax Buoyancy: Comparing Estimation Techniques in a Large Heterogeneous Panel
Working Paper
Political Institutions, State Building, and Tax Capacity: Crossing the Tipping Point
Working Paper
This section provides resources on how countries can foster greater transparency in their tax systems.
This section includes resources on tax transparency, including the IMF’s Fiscal Transparency Code. This Code includes initiatives to foster transparency in the payment and management of resource revenues.
Tax policy needs to be responsive to the changing demands of our environment and needs to adapt as the world changes. To maintain currency and relevance, the IMF tax policy program is supported by analytical work to address current issues such as international taxation, the COVID crisis, gender equality and digitalization.
This section contains documents on the tax policy issues that may require consideration in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This section includes resources on topical tax issues that arose as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These topics include the challenges of revenue forecasting tax revenues, the use of temporary investment incentives to support growth, natural resource taxation issues, and ensuring tax policy settings foster inclusive growth after the pandemic.
Special Series on COVID-19
Special Series on COVID-19
Special Series on COVID-19
COVID Note - Tax Policy for Inclusive Growth After the Pandemic
Special Series on COVID-19
NEWSpecial Series on COVID-19
Revenue Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa during the Pandemic
Special Series on COVID-19
Special Series on COVID-19
Natural Resource Fiscal Regimes: Tax Policy Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
This section provides resources on the tax aspects of the digitalization of economies.
This section includes resources and studies into the new tax challenges raised by digitalization and how existing rules can be perceived as unfair. Highly‑digitalized businesses have a large base of customers that generate value, but where they have no physical presence, which creates difficulties in determining where profits should be taxed.
NEWFintech Note
NEWWorking Paper
Firm-level Digitalization and Resilience to Shocks: Role of Fiscal Policy
External Publication
External Publication
Departmental Paper
Working Paper
This section provides resources on cross-border taxation issues.
This section illustrates our contribution to the global debate on modernizing the international taxation system, including identifying and quantifying problems with the existing architecture such as tax avoidance through profit shifting, as well as tax treaties.
Departmental Paper
External Publication
External Publication
Evaluating the Effects of ACE Systems on Multinational Debt Financing and Investment
External Publication
International Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Review of the Channels, Magnitudes, and Blind Spots
External Publication
NEWExternal Publication
External Publication
Where Does Multinational Investment Go with Territorial Taxation? Evidence from the United Kingdom
External Publication
Policy Forum: International Effects of the 2017 US Tax Reform-A View from the Front Line
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
Policy Paper
Technical Note
NEWWorking Paper
International Tax Spillovers and Tangible Investment, with Implications for the Global Minimum Tax
NEWWorking Paper
NEWWorking Paper
Keeping it Simple–Efficiency Costs of Fixed Margin Regimes in Transfer Pricing
NEWWorking Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Revenue Implications of Destination-Based Cash-Flow Taxation
Working Paper
International Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Review of the Channels, Magnitudes, and Blind Spots
Working Paper
The Cost and Benefits of Tax Treaties with Investment Hubs: Findings from Sub-Saharan Africa
Working Paper
Hidden Treasure - The Impact of Automatic Exchange of Information on Cross-Border Tax Evasion
NEWWorking Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
The Impact of Profit Shifting on Economic Activity and Tax Competition
Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
This section provides resources focusing on the impact of tax instruments on women.
This section includes documents and analysis on how tax instruments affect women’s welfare, their incentives to work, and their economic participation.
NEWWorking Paper
Gendered Taxes: The Interaction of Tax Policy with Gender Equality
This section includes resources on the tax policy elements of inequality.
Excessive income inequality is detrimental to macroeconomic stability and economic growth. This section provides resources on tax policy issues relating to inequality and how tax systems can consider inequality in policy design.
Policy Paper
This section contains resources on the role of taxation in reducing the rate of carbon emissions and encouraging actions to adapt.
This section contains resources and analysis to assist countries in managing the difficult task of reducing carbon emissions and adapting to change. Tax policy can be a key driver of change in energy usage by changing relative prices and taxing unwanted carbon pollution.
NewSelected Issues Paper
The Financial Impact of Carbon Taxation on Corporates: Japan
NewSelected Issues Paper
Assessing Recent Climate Policy Initiatives in the Netherlands
NewSelected Issues Paper
Fiscal Policy Options to Accelerate Emissions Reductions in Belgium
Working Paper
The Distributional Impact of a Carbon Tax in Asia and the Pacific
Board Paper
Getting Energy Prices Right - From Principle to Practice (Chapter 1)
Policy Paper
Fiscal Policies for Paris Climate Strategies—from Principle to Practice
External Publication
Energy Tax and Regulatory Policy in Europe: Reform Priorities
External Publication
External Publication
Tax Coordination Can Lead to a Fairer, Greener Global Economy
Fiscal Policy from Pandemic to War, Chapter 2: Coordinating Taxation Across Borders
NEWWorking Paper
NEWWorking Paper
External Publication
External Publication
Staff Discussion Note
After Paris: Fiscal Macroeconomic and Financial Aspects of Global Warming
Working Paper
How Much Carbon Pricing is in Countries' Own Interests? The Critical Role of Co-Benefits
Working Paper
Working Paper
Carbon Taxation for International Maritime Fuels: Assessing the Options
Working Paper
Mitigation Policies for the Paris Agreement: An Assessment for G20 Countries
If you have any questions about the IMF’s work in the revenue domain, please contact us.