Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar

Vietnam – Economic Outlook and Policy Priorities

Vietnam has been South East Asia’s fastest growing economy in the last decade and has become an integral part of global supply chains. The country successfully contained the COVID-19 pandemic’s health and economic fallout in 2020, but a severe outbreak earlier this year led to a sharp economic downturn. The IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific hosted a country-based regional seminar with Francois Painchaud, the IMF’s Resident Representative for Lao PDR and Vietnam. He provided an overview of current economic developments and the outlook, and discuss longer-term policy priorities. About 90 people from across Asia participated in the virtual seminar. 


November 24, 2021 (Japan time)
15:00-15:05    Introduction 
15:05-15:35  Presentation on Vietnam’s economic outlook and policy priorities
Francois Painchaud, IMF Resident Representative for Lao PDR and Vietnam

15:35-15:50   Q&A session
15:50-15:55 Closing & post-event survey 


  • Francois PainchaudFrancois Painchaud is the IMF Resident Representative for Lao PDR and Vietnam since June 2019. He was previously the IMF Resident Representative for Georgia and joined the IMF in 2009. He worked on a range of advanced, emerging market, and low-income countries, including Russia, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Pakistan, Senegal, and Myanmar. He has worked on debt sustainability, labor markets, fiscal frameworks and monetary policy in emerging markets. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics from the Université Laval in Quebec City.