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IMF Institute Training at Headquarters (HQ), Washington, D.C., United States

Although most courses at HQ in Washington, D.C. are offered in English, some are also offered in French, and Spanish. Much of the HQ curriculum is targeted at a global audience. The online application form can be accessed at for English and Arabic courses, for French courses, and for Spanish courses. Applications for Arabic courses must be submitted in English. The Institute for Capacity Development does not accept hard-copy applications or nominations. Some courses are by invitation only; a link to the online nomination form will be provided in the nomination notification message. Agencies with an interest in a course may e-mail inquiries to
Selection Process:
Courses are either by application or invitation. For courses by invitation candidates are nominated by government agencies upon the request of the responsible IMF department.
Self-Financed Policy:
Candidates from international agencies and advanced regional countries who apply to attend IMF training events, if accepted, will be considered self-financed. Local staff in IMF Resident Representative offices selected to train at regional training centers and programs would also be self-financed. However, they are eligible to attend training at HQ as regular participants. Attending as self-financed provides the same access to course content and activities, but all associated costs (accommodation, travel, and per diem) need to be covered by the sponsoring institution.
Ms. Pearl Acquaah, Section Chief, Operations Management Division
Institute for Capacity Development
International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20431
+1 (202) 623-6660
Frequently Asked Questions: On Selection Guidelines, Sponsorship and Eligibility
2024 Training Catalog:  English  
The schedule displays courses for the current year for this location. Click the drop down arrow to select the desired calendar.

IMF Institute Training at Headquarters (HQ), Washington, D.C., United States

Start Date End Date Session No. Course Title Delivery Method Primary & (Interpretation) Language
February 26, 2024 March 8, 2024 HQ 24.01 High-Frequency Indicators of Economic Activity (IEA) In-person Training English
February 26, 2024 March 1, 2024 HQ 24.04 Macroeconomics of Climate Change (MCC) In-person Training English
March 4, 2024 March 20, 2024 HQ 24.02 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics - Intermediate (BPIIPS-M) In-person Training English
March 18, 2024 March 22, 2024 HQ 24.03 Public Sector Debt Statistics - Advanced (PDS-A) In-person Training English
May 13, 2024 May 24, 2024 HQ 24.09 Government Finance Statistics - Advanced (GFS-A) In-person Training French
August 19, 2024 August 30, 2024 HQ 24.08 Compilation of Macro-relevant Environment and Climate Change Statistics - Advanced (CMECC-A) In-person Training English
August 19, 2024 August 30, 2024 HQ 24.06 Financial Development and Financial Inclusion (FDFI) In-person Training English
September 23, 2024 September 27, 2024 HQ 24.11 Securities Statistics (SS) In-person Training English
November 4, 2024 November 15, 2024 HQ 24.05 Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (MFA) In-person Training English
November 11, 2024 November 22, 2024 HQ 24.07 Government Finance Statistics - Advanced (GFS-A) In-person Training English